Ben and Hannas Trip 2007

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Woodbury Salterton & the surrounds!

The Photo above is of a house that Ben thinks is from Edward Scissor Hands. I think it looks like it could be in the Darling Buds of may!!! It looks cool and was very nice.

This is what the roads look like in Woodbury. They are all Hedged on the sides. Its so England!

Look Open feilds!

This is a cute house that is just up the road from us.

This is the church that is just up the road. It has the Cemetery in the grounds too. I think most of the Churches have this. It looks cool but freaky to know there are dead people right there.
Here is another view of the church!
Lookits a pink house right in the middle of normal England houses. i thought that was funny to have a bright pink house. Its just up the road from us too. Its Ugly.
This is of the Caravan park that Ben got into trouble for being in. He only told me about that today. Hehehe

Here is the road to Woodbury (hence the sign). How cool do the streets look. Ben thinks this looks like something out of the Blaire Witch Project.
So i hope you like where we live at the moment. Will post more photos soon.


  • At 10:28 PM, Blogger Erin said…

    It looks awesome! It really is like another world!
    I certainly can see Ma and Pa Larkin in the garden in that house Han :)
    It is all so different to here.
    Who would paint their house pink!?!
    It is good to see where you live - helps us to imagine what your day is like - or in Ben's case, where you have been kicked out of - How many caravan parks is that now Ben?? Queenscliff for sure ;)
    Miss you both heaps!

  • At 12:13 PM, Blogger Corey and Sarah said…

    what a classic english village you guys are in. you're in exeter right? we caught a train from exeter to newquay. it was the nicest train ride we've ever been on. The train goes right along the beach.
    Newquay is the surfing capital of england. Very cool place. Very crazy in summer. you have to go if you get the chance!

  • At 7:56 PM, Blogger Miss Kitty said…

    Hey guys. that looks so nice. Much nicer than London. I think I would enjoy where you are. Your right, the streets are just what i imagine for England. So cute. i love the way Ben always relates everything back to a movie...very cool.
    Love ya's... stay safe

  • At 11:08 AM, Blogger Katie B said…

    Hey Guys,

    It looks wonderful where you are, very pretty... much better than Cambridge hey benjo...

    How you guys are having a great time there and cant wait for you to crash at my place before your trip ;)

    Se ya Soon lovies

  • At 9:05 PM, Blogger Debbie said…

    Hahaha at the pink house! There's a kid's show on Nick Jnr. called "Balamory" and they all have coloured houses like that. Too funny.
    Oooeeerrr @ Ben getting into trouble at the caravan park! What did he do??
    It looks very picturesque where you are.... very much how I picture England in my mind!


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