Ben and Hannas Trip 2007

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Canal Boat Cruise Continued!!!

Here is a tou through our tight yet oh so spacious canal boat. It was our home for 4 nights and we loved it. The pic above is where we ate our meals (the ones we had on the boat). If you take the table away, it turns into a bed.
Here is Justin cooking pancakes for breakfast. We couldnt find any maple syrup so we had to make do with nutella and jam. Yummy.
this is the other end of the boat that turns into another bed. This was a little more spacious than the other end.
Just a view into the boat from the outside.
We didnt take a photo of the bathroom as we do not need a reminder of the smell a boat toilet smells like. Yuck.
So just a little run down here, infront of us is whats called a lock. When there is hill, they conserve the water by putting these locks in to not waiste water. So we had to get the boat up these locks and then in 2 days time, we had to come back down.
Here is Ben being the driver. Meanwhile, Simone, Justin & myself had to empty the lock of water, Ben drove the boat in and then we had to fill the lock back up again.
Looking at a lock.
Waiting for the lock to fill back up.
Justin & Simone winding open the lock to fill it with water.
Justin taking it easy with driving the boat instead of doing the locks.
On our wa back down, Simone did an awesome job in driving the boat while Ben and Justin filled and emptied ALL the locks. Whilst they were waiting for the locks to fill and empty they kicked the footy to eachoter to pass the time. They got a good 2 hours of kicking in for all 12 locks.


  • At 10:46 PM, Blogger Erin said…

    Wish i was there with you.

  • At 10:07 PM, Blogger Debbie said…

    Oh wow! That looks like SO much fun!
    WTG Simone for driving! hehe A braver woman than I!


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