Ben and Hannas Trip 2007

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Our day off!

Today was our latest day off. we have worked hard over the last week. Especially since Jay and Beck left us on Monday to go to Italy for 10 days. So we slept until 12:30pm then just went for a drive into Exeter to do a few things, then kept on driving. The photo above is just of the scenery as we were driving. Fantastic.
This is country side at Sidford. Very nice.

We went back to Sidmouth so we could see the beach again. We are having withdrawal symptoms from the water! This is the cool little shop lane that we walked down to get to the water. They had a fudge shop that has great fudge in it. (i know cos Beck gave me some!). It also had a typical English lollie shop which i liked too but it was closed.
Do these feathers make my butt look big? Man these seagulls are huge. Its like the size of 2 of our seagulls put together!
To the right of this photo is the Napoli. Thats the Cargo ship that ran a ground in a bad storm not that long ago. Then some of the Cargo washed ashore, and people got to take whatever they found. All claimed on insurance. Gotta love it dont ya! Some people ot things like BMW motorbikes and cool stuff like that.

Here i am on a ledge with Ben up a bit further. the ledge was heading out to the water and little old scared Hanna stayed back incase she fell in!
Here is the Napoli again. (Bit far away and a little fuzzy).

Ben took this photo cos the M5 is his dream car but 2 because the retard owner has parked it on the wrong side of the road facing the wrong way! They really need to learn how to drive over here!

So today we noticed that the wheel was a little flat. Infact it was dead. We did pump it up (which cost us 50p) but about half an hour later it was flat again. So Ben being the handy man that he is... Changed the tyre. Cleaver man.
Had to jump on it to get it nice and tight.

And all done!
So it wasnt an eventful day off. We didnt do much that exciting. Just thought i had better post something else or you would think that we had dropped off the face of the earth!
No we had a very nice day. Until next time... Cheers!


  • At 2:16 AM, Blogger Katie B said…

    Looks so beautiful down there....a little different to good ol' London... ;)

    Might have to come visit after we both get back from our trips :)
    Not long now and you'll be touring EUROPE... YAY...

    See you soon guys...Missing you heaps....

  • At 4:30 AM, Blogger Erin said…

    The beach looks awesome! The cliffs kinda reminds me of the Great ocean rd. I picture the lolly shop to be like the one in the original Willy Wonka - where they sing about "the candy man can cos he mixes it with love and makes the world go round..." I sent you a parcel today. They said it sould get there in 7-10 working days. Hope it arrives before your Europe trip - probably wont though. Well, Happy Easter Bennie and Hannie! My first Easter without you Han :(
    Talk to you soon.
    Love e.

  • At 6:25 PM, Blogger Debbie said…

    Yay for a day off!! Not long until you're off to Europe tho.
    The seagull looks funny... tho seagulls aren't really known for their good looks anyway, hey?
    Yay for Ben changing a tire. Love the blow-by-blow photos... made me laugh!
    Merry Easter from me too. I sent you an email with some piccy's of our trip to Port Campbell.

  • At 6:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    nice work changing the tyre benny.. which actually reminds me i haven't done that for yonks.. like years.. i might go do it now to get some practice.. you never know hey.. haha..


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